BUSINESS showcase Highland Spotlight scored another success as it looked set to reach new records.
A COMMUNITY in Easter Ross is seeking to tackle fast drivers – amid fears there could be a fatal accident.
A WESTER Ross tourist attraction has launched an audio guide featuring local artists as part of a museum display.
FOUR Ross-shire daredevils will be taking part in a tandem skydive next month in aid of a local suicide support group.
ONE of the best-known eateries in the Highlands began a new era this week as it bounced back from the threat of permanent closure.
On the anniversary of a letter which exposed bullying at NHS Highland to public scrutiny, some are sceptical about whether much has changed.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have found the partially-preserved remains of a Pictish skeleton that is thought to be about 1400-years-old.
IT may have the highest UK driving test pass rate but don’t expect an easy ride if tempted to take your test in Gairloch, an instructor has warned.
AN adventurer highlighting a campaign tackling male suicide was touched by the kindness of strangers in Ross-shire.
A LANDLOCKED rowing club’s first coastal regatta has been hailed a success with crews from across the region taking part despite dreich weather.
UPDATE (4.15pm): THE A835 between the Tore roundabout and Conon Bridge reopened to traffic this afternoon following an earlier "serious accident".
CROSS-country success means two Easter Ross cadet siblings will represent Scotland next month.
PROTESTERS of all ages flocked to Inverness city centre to join a global protest to fight climate change.
Tourism businesses across the Highlands and Islands are celebrating after being shortlisted in a prestigious awards event.
ACCESS to affordable housing and efforts to switch to a low carbon future will help unleash rural Scotland’s economic potential, a report has claimed.
A book recalling times gone by in a Black Isle community will be in the spotlight this weekend.
THE often-unseen aspects of trees are depicted in a month-long photographic exhibition at an Inverness gallery.
Highland Business Women are celebrating after achieving national recognition in an annual awards ceremony.
A FRESH call to tackle bus unreliability in Ross-shire has been made after locals reported missing out on salary and appointments as a result.
A MAN has been arrested following a one-vehicle crash this morning on the A9 north of the Kessock Bridge.