I would be thoroughly dismayed if my youngest offspring took up vaping, almost as much as if they started smoking, says out columnist.
Jamie’s Journal by Jamie Stone
John Davidson takes his family for a wild night at a lonely shelter in Torridon, where they enjoyed a night stargazing and awoke to glorious sunshine
A Black Isler in the US reflects: ‘This time around, there are no grown-ups in the room to prevent Trump doing what he wants.’
Gadgets and tools can remind someone to take medication, notify if a person has a fall, or alert if someone wanders outside when it might be unsafe.
The Highland Archive Centre’s records offer a fascinating insight into the region’s motoring past - car registrations in Inverness-shire from 1903-75.
The rules they apparently are governed by have to take priority over actual needs, our columnist’s relative discovered.
The past 12 months proved to be another very busy year for our team, writes the Highland Archive Service.
Missing boy triggers massive Easter Ross response; tractor-daft tot at Black Isle Show; Save Our Gymnastics Club and designer heads for Big Apple.
Research from University College London estimates that on average for every cigarette smoked the smoker loses 20 minutes of life, says our columnist.