The MSP has accused education officials of ‘missing maths classes’ while the local authority says the mothballing decision remains under review.
A new report is highlighting “significant employment opportunities” for the Highlands arising from a flagship pumped storage hydro project.
A Wester Ross school has secured "good" and "satisfactory" ratings from inspectors following their latest visit.
Councillor Michael Gregson says ‘they are letting down the staff, the pupils, the parents and the people of the Highlands’
Highland Council has announced the closure of a number of schools and nurseries affecting thousands of youngsters today as Storm Eowyn strikes.
Hard-up Highland families struggling to pay for their children’s school meals have had those debts written off.
Stewart Smith, from Cromarty, has been shortlisted for Lantra Scotland’s Awards for Land-based and Aquaculture Skills (the ALBAS).
Stewart Smith, from Cromarty, has been shortlisted for Lantra Scotland’s Awards for Land-based and Aquaculture Skills (the ALBAS).
MSP Edward Mountain says ‘the situation in Highland schools is at breaking point’.
The ‘deeply alarming’ new figures show more than 54 per cent of pupils missed 10-20 per cent of the school year.