THE landlord of one of the best-known pubs in Ross-shire has warned it may be financially unviable to reopen because of the impact of coronavirus.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has expanded on Scottish Government plans to come out of lockdown.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says friends and family will soon be permitted to meet outdoors
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the declining rate of deaths from coronavirus offers “grounds for encouragement”.
A total of 103 people have now died in the NHS Highland area from either confirmed or suspected Covid-19 – up from 97 a week ago.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said Scotland is hopefully gearing up for the biggest relaxation of the lockdown yet.
A LIVE entertainment venue in the Highland capital has been given the go-ahead to add kitchen and restaurant facilities.
A proposal for Ross-shire’s market town to celebrate front line workers and volunteers after lockdown is lifted has been welcomed.
Nicola Sturgeon acknowledges "we can't live like this forever" but is encouraged by continued strong public support for lockdown.
CALLS have been made for Highland Council to make use of the lockdown to repair the region’s pockmarked roads while they are free of traffic.
The Home Farm care home residents may now need to be moved elsewhere
One Skye care home has seen almost 60 infections in residents and staff
The health board will deploy social care management, nursing leadership and direct care to the stricken care home
Business secretary Alok Sharma says 'staying alert means staying at home for the vast majority of people'
Alistair Dodds is a former Highland Council chief executive
HIGHLAND Council has come under fire for using the Covid-19 crisis to shut out the public and make decisions behind closed doors.
The Prime Minister said people could "drive to other destinations" while easing measures south of the border – but they don't apply to Scotland.
Scotland’s First Minister has stressed that the easing of the lockdown in England does not apply north of the border as yet.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced an easing of the lockdown in England, allowing more travel and a possible return to work for many.
The publication of the Sturrock Review “shone a light into bullying within NHS Highland”