HIGHLAND Council is under fire for forcing parents to pay for childcare despite being given a £30 million pot to provide the services free.
Cash-strapped Highland Council has come under fire after a former executive was given a £475,000 golden handshake.
The recruitment of a new depute chief executive for Highland Council has been paused after objections from councillors.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned that the rate of Covid-19 reproduction in the country could be rising amid a spate of virus clusters.
There have been no new deaths from either confirmed or suspected Covid-19 in the last seven days in the NHS Highland area – for a fourth week.
With one quarter of results downgraded tens of thousands of pupils are likely to see major improvements in their awards
Education secretary John Swinney will set out to parliament tomorrow how the government will fix the exam results downgrade fiasco.
Plans to return Highland children to school next week hit a last-minute hitch when bus operators demanded extra cash, it has emerged.
HIGHLAND Council is in the progress of renegotiating some school transport contracts, less than a week before schools reopen.
Nicola Sturgeon reminded pupils who were disappointed with the results had many options ahead of them
A Belgian woman who has only recently arrived in Dingwall was thrilled after rescuing a vulnerable one-month-old otter pup separated from its parents.
The Cabinet Officer Minister arrived north after MP Jamie Stone invited him to hear from the sector firsthand
The Scottish Government is focused on the successful reopening of schools .
There have been no new deaths from confirmed or suspected Covid-19 in the last seven days in the NHS Highland area – for the second week in a row.
The Cabinet Officer Minister arrived north after MP Jamie Stone invited him to hear from the sector firsthand
HIGHLAND Council’s budget black hole now stands at £35.7 million – almost three times less than previously feared, it has been revealed.
Highland MSP Maree Todd has resumed her campaign to succeed Gail Ross in the Caithness, Sutherland and Ross seat in the Scottish Parliament.
A proposed local authority boundary shake-up could see one area lose a councillor and another gain one.
Traders in Ross-shire's county town are taking the first tentative steps on the long road to recovery after the four-month lockdown.
Publicans across Ross-shire are excited to be welcoming customers back following lockdown – but are urging the public to ensure doors can stay open.