Forestry and Land Scotland is urging motorists heading north on the A9 to plan for delays in their journey as roadside felling operations begin.
A renewable energy company has welcomed the go-ahead for a controversial 45MW battery energy storage plant in Easter Ross.
We enjoy saying hello to readers - and all the more so when we’re able to hand over something nice!
A Black Isle SWI group was given a ‘touching and informative’ presentation on a charity that looks after dogs needing rehoming.
A Black Isle songbird’s loyalty to an acclaimed Ross-shire Gaelic choir has been celebrated.
Two people have been taken to hospital for treatment following an A9 collision in Easter Ross.
The Port of Cromarty Firth has taken a look back at the 2024 cruise liner season - and published a list of what’s expected from April onwards.
The US version of the Ardross Castle filmed reality TV show returns to our screens this week and it promises to be an eye-popping rollercoaster.
Washington, D.C. is in the world spotlight today. A visit to the U.S. capital proves there’s an awful lot more to the city than politics.
The fall triggered a full team callout.
A drop in the pupil roll means the imminent prospect of mothballing - but there are hopes of a creative solution to the issues facing Strathconon.
The care home has been part of a series of innovative projects that have brought it closer to the community.
Tain-born Hector Graham Urquhart was an apprentice ironmonger in Dingwall before becoming a gunner with the 4th Highland Mountain Brigade, RGA.
“Most of us placed it squarely in the 'type 2' fun category! However, looking back, it was an incredibly rewarding experience.”
A surprise visitor and a teenager’s star turn warmed hearts on an icy evening in Dingwall.
A volunteer behind the exciting project reckons that with some local help the case can be cracked!
It looks like something out of another world or a CGI disaster film. But it’s not. It was Ross-shire yesterday.
A Ross-shire MSP who has also worked as a pharmacist is encouraging all eligible people in Highland to get their winter flu jag.
Former Ross-shire Journal printer Tommy MacDonald spotted the familiar looking piece of kit through the window while walking in Inverness.
There have been dramatic swings in temperature.