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School inspectors give their verdict after visit to Craighill Primary School and Nursery in Easter Ross town of Tain

Craighill Primary School received its visit in June. The report findings were shared today.
Craighill Primary School received its visit in June. The report findings were shared today.

AN Easter Ross primary school and its associated nursery have been given the verdict of inspectors following a visit.

Inspectors from Education Scotland visited Craighill Primary School and Nursery Class, talking to parents, carers and children and "worked closely with the headteacher and staff".

The team identified strengths, flagged areas for improvement and gave an assessment in a number of areas.

The inspection team found the following strengths in the school’s work.

• Children across the school and nursery classes experience positive and caring relationships with adults and their peers. This supports the positive learning environment where children know they are valued. Children are polite, kind and eager to learn.

• The work undertaken by teachers and practitioners to improve children’s literacy skills. This is impacting positively on the development of children’s reading and writing in Gaelic and English.

• Children across the Sgoil-Àraich and classes for Gaelic Medium Education experience strong immersion experiences. They take part in a rich range of achievements through Gaelic, which is enhancing their specialist vocabulary.

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The following areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the headteacher and a representative from Highland Council.

• Continue to develop high quality learning and teaching across the Gaelic Medium and English Medium classes, Sgoil-Àraich and nursery class. Ensure there is a clear focus on providing all children with appropriate levels of challenge across the curriculum.

• Build on the approaches used across both Gaelic and English medium education to plan learning and check the progress children are making. Ensure children’s next steps in learning are used to inform planning across the curriculum and support all children to make the best possible progress in their learning.

• Supported by the local authority, senior leaders should ensure all children in the Gaelic Medium classes learn through Gaelic all of the time.

Quality indicators for learning, teaching and assessment and raising attainment and achievement in the primary school were rated 'good'.

And for the nursery, indicators for learning, teaching and assessment and securing children’s progress were also rated 'good'.

Craighill Primary School received its own report from Education Scotland. Picture: James MacKenzie
Craighill Primary School received its own report from Education Scotland. Picture: James MacKenzie

HM Inspector Marion Carlton said: "We are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and so we will make no more visits in connection with this inspection. The Highland Council will inform parents/carers about the school’s progress as part of its arrangements for reporting on the quality of its schools."

For the full details of the findings, see here.

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