Nicola Sturgeon has said it is “almost certain” Scotland will need the furlough scheme to be extended beyond October after a leap in jobless numbers.
There were no new deaths in Scotland in the last 24 hours among those with a confirmed case of Covid-19, according to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
APPROVAL for a multimillion-pound housing development on an eyesore site at the heart of a growing Ross-shire village could help regenerate it.
A MAJOR new housing estate in Muir of Ord has moved a step closer after the project was granted planning permission in principle.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants the UK government to deliver an economic rescue package after figures show the economy shrunk by 20 per cent.
Hopeful signals in the fight to suppress the spread of coronavirus were shared today by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said phase two of easing the lockdown could begin in 10 days’ time if everyone obeys the current lockdown rules.
Opposition councillors have called on Highland Council to give the detail behind projections it faces a deficit up to £97 million due to Covid-19.
GREEN-fingered volunteers have used the lockdown to rapidly lay the foundations for a new community garden that looks set to open next year.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that Scotland’s economy “may not see a return to pre-crisis levels for a number of years.”
Health secretary Jeane Freeman confirmed cancer treatment will be made available based on clinical need anywhere in Scotland
A total of 111 people have died in the NHS Highland area from either confirmed or suspected Covid-19 – an increase of four from a week ago.
Highland Council will lay out a dire assessment of its financial situation tomorrow.
A HIGHLAND MSP has hit out at the Scottish Government for 'failing to deliver' on promises to provide hard-hit B&B owners with an update on support.
Covid-19 lockdown restrictions could be reimposed, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, warned after reports of widespread ignoring of guidance.
A landlord at one of the best-known pubs in Ross-shire said this week he was touched by the support of locals after he voiced concerns. crisis.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she has “never been prouder of this country” but is still nervous in case people go too far as lockdown is eased.
Bosses at Highland Council say they will need Scottish Government assistance to tackle major financial challenges caused by the Covid-19 crisis.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has urged people to obey social distancing and hygiene rules as she confessed to being “nervous” as lockdown is eased.
Asked if he would stay in his role if the clamour for his resignation intensifies he said that is was 'up to the PM'