Local politics took a back seat as councillors across the Highlands agreed an extra £7.7 million of roads investment.
Highland Council has agreed to give more housing ‘points’ to people at risk of homelessness, and those living in poor conditions.
One of the biggest changes is in the process for supporting applicants who could become homeless.
A shortage of affordable land in Inverness coupled with dire market conditions have forced the local authority to scale back its housing investments.
'I welcome this development, which will create much-needed employment in the area.'
Highland Council has approved a major expansion of Whyte & Mackay’s operations in Invergordon.
Highland Council has recommended councillors grant planning permission for a whisky maturation and storage facility in Invergordon.
New colours, new rules, and an extra bin – next spring will bring big changes to Highland household bin collections.
Councillors hope going paperless for meetings will deliver a big saving, both for the budget and for the environment.
Highland Council under fire for having no services for sexually abused children.
Care home closures and chronic staff shortages are leaving hundreds of Highland patients without appropriate care.
Highland councillors celebrated the successful green freeport bid at today’s meeting of the full council, though not everyone was convinced.
Highland Council will vote this week on whether to cancel plans to increase the cost of electric vehicle chargers by 130 per cent.
Councils were meant to find out the results of their Learning Estate Investment Programme fund bids by the end of 2022, but are still waiting.
A report into Highland Council’s capital programme shows the full extent of its investment worries.
Bosses blame inflationary pressures and staff pay awards for the shortfall
In the Highlands, 43 percent of pupils need some form of additional support for learning.
New figures from Highland Council reveal its primary school attainment is the second most improved in Scotland.
Members of Highland Council’s health committee have called for more detail about how the council will improve its services for vulnerable children.
Some councillors say the new charges mean it’s now cheaper to run a petrol car than an electric one.