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Dr Tim Allison

NHS HIGHLAND: How do we stay healthy in a heatwave?

25 May 2024
NHS HIGHLAND: How do we stay healthy in a heatwave?

NHS HIGHLAND: How do we stay healthy in a heatwave?

25 May 2024

We are not likely to be familiar with long periods of hot weather so should one occur, we may not be prepared, says our columnist.

NHS HIGHLAND: Balance needed between action and caution

13 April 2024
NHS HIGHLAND: Balance needed between action and caution

NHS HIGHLAND: Balance needed between action and caution

13 April 2024

Walking, cycling or gardening is good for our health - but we may need to be cautious about a sudden increase in activity, says our columnist.

HEALTH MATTERS: Health inequalities are a real issue we all need to work on

24 March 2024
HEALTH MATTERS: Health inequalities are a real issue we all need to work on

HEALTH MATTERS: Health inequalities are a real issue we all need to work on

24 March 2024

Our public health department has two principal priorities as part of work to improve and protect the health of Highland people, writes Dr Tim Allison.

DR TIM ALLISON: Can Biden and Trump help Highlanders understand how to live longer better?

03 March 2024
DR TIM ALLISON: Can Biden and Trump help Highlanders understand how to live longer better?

DR TIM ALLISON: Can Biden and Trump help Highlanders understand how to live longer better?

03 March 2024

Two very well-known people have been in the news a lot over recent weeks.

NHS HIGHLAND: It is time to take up vaccination offer

17 February 2024
NHS HIGHLAND: It is time to take up vaccination offer

NHS HIGHLAND: It is time to take up vaccination offer

17 February 2024

Covid vaccine is still important especially for the most vulnerable, older people and those with reduced immunity, says Dr Tim Allison.

HEALTH MATTERS: Medicines have their place but are not the only answer

05 February 2024
HEALTH MATTERS: Medicines have their place but are not the only answer

HEALTH MATTERS: Medicines have their place but are not the only answer

05 February 2024

Almost all of us will use medicines and tablets either regularly or occasionally.

NHS HIGHLAND: Taking care of our feet is important for keeping us well

07 January 2024
NHS HIGHLAND: Taking care of our feet is important for keeping us well

NHS HIGHLAND: Taking care of our feet is important for keeping us well

07 January 2024

The best shoes for avoiding falls are those that are high sided, with low heels, thin soles and good grip, says Dr Tim Allison.

DR TIM ALLISON: Why it pays to be SMART when making New Year resolution health goals

26 December 2023
DR TIM ALLISON: Why it pays to be SMART when making New Year resolution health goals

DR TIM ALLISON: Why it pays to be SMART when making New Year resolution health goals

26 December 2023

The good news is that even small changes can significantly improve our health., says our columnist.

HEALTH MATTERS: Focussing on what really matters for a happier Christmas

24 December 2023
HEALTH MATTERS: Focussing on what really matters for a happier Christmas

HEALTH MATTERS: Focussing on what really matters for a happier Christmas

24 December 2023

I am not a great fan of Black Friday. I am sure in the USA it means more, the day after Thanksgiving when people have more opportunity for shopping.

DR TIM ALLISON: Viral festive advert captures true spirit of Christmas for me

23 December 2023
DR TIM ALLISON: Viral festive advert captures true spirit of Christmas for me

DR TIM ALLISON: Viral festive advert captures true spirit of Christmas for me

23 December 2023

I am not a great fan of Black Friday, says our columnist. But he finds the spirit of the season in an unlikely place.

DR TIM ALLISON: Huge benefits of doing this are immediate - so why wait for the New Year?

25 November 2023
DR TIM ALLISON: Huge benefits of doing this are immediate - so why wait for the New Year?

DR TIM ALLISON: Huge benefits of doing this are immediate - so why wait for the New Year?

25 November 2023

'I want to see a time when no one is smoking, whether outside schools or outside hospitals.'

NHS HIGHLAND: How to avoid the commonest cause of serious injury... falling

12 November 2023
NHS HIGHLAND: How to avoid the commonest cause of serious injury... falling

NHS HIGHLAND: How to avoid the commonest cause of serious injury... falling

12 November 2023

A fall can have a long-term impact on someone’s health, and it can be hard for some people to return to their home following a hospital stay.

NHS HIGHLAND: We all need to work on improving our mental health

28 October 2023
NHS HIGHLAND: We all need to work on improving our mental health

NHS HIGHLAND: We all need to work on improving our mental health

28 October 2023

Some of the emails that I receive start with a comment about my health, such as “I hope that you are well”.

HEALTH MATTERS: Guess what you were doing 1000 days ago? Might surprise you...

21 October 2023
HEALTH MATTERS: Guess what you were doing 1000 days ago? Might surprise you...

HEALTH MATTERS: Guess what you were doing 1000 days ago? Might surprise you...

21 October 2023

What a difference a day makes. So how about 1000 days?

NHS HIGHLAND: We should be wary of quick fixes to booze and obesity woes

07 October 2023
NHS HIGHLAND: We should be wary of quick fixes to booze and obesity woes

NHS HIGHLAND: We should be wary of quick fixes to booze and obesity woes

07 October 2023

I have never been to Denmark. Perhaps I will be able to go one day and follow up on my distant Viking ancestors.

NHS HIGHLAND: I strongly encourage all of us to take up the offer of vaccination

03 September 2023
NHS HIGHLAND: I strongly encourage all of us to take up the offer of vaccination

NHS HIGHLAND: I strongly encourage all of us to take up the offer of vaccination

03 September 2023

We can add Covid vaccination to the autumn schedule for those who are at a greater risk of serious illness, says our columnist.

DR TIM ALLISON: The opportunity to cycle is open to almost everyone

19 August 2023
DR TIM ALLISON: The opportunity to cycle is open to almost everyone

DR TIM ALLISON: The opportunity to cycle is open to almost everyone

19 August 2023

The UCI Cycling World Championships rightly attracted a lot of publicity as Scotland was hosting the largest ever event of its kind in the world.

We need help to take the power back from the easy addictions that are disastrous to our health

05 August 2023
We need help to take the power back from the easy addictions that are disastrous to our health

We need help to take the power back from the easy addictions that are disastrous to our health

05 August 2023

Foods that used to be rare, such as those high in salt and sugar, are now found everywhere and our fondness for them risks doing more harm than good.

We have part to play in protecting NHS for its next major milestone

30 July 2023
We have part to play in protecting NHS for its next major milestone

We have part to play in protecting NHS for its next major milestone

30 July 2023

'The NHS can help us with taking up a healthier lifestyle and with managing our health.'

OPINION: Vulnerability to isolation and loneliness reveals a basic human need

10 June 2023
OPINION: Vulnerability to isolation and loneliness reveals a basic human need

OPINION: Vulnerability to isolation and loneliness reveals a basic human need

10 June 2023

Actions may be small by themselves but can add up to help us get more connected, happier and healthier communities, says columnist.

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