The rules they apparently are governed by have to take priority over actual needs, our columnist’s relative discovered.
While Inverness’s Raigmore Hospital is under pressure, columnist Colin Campbell talks to a veteran nurse.
NHS bill climbs higher after a sudden spell in Raigmore for our columnist.
“This slashing of the fuel payment looked a harsh decision in mid-summer and it will look even more so as the days shorten and the temperatures fall.”
They should have no hesitation highlighting where necessary the failings of the SNP government on the A9 and other major issues, says our columnist.
Friendship and companionship served up at the bingo is an enviable prize all on its own, says our columnist.
The project overseers should be wary of inflating expectations in advance to an extraordinary degree, says our columnist.
The depiction of the Highlands as being so woefully deprived in comparison with the rest of Scotland seemed jarringly misleading, says our columnist.
We’re fortunate with the kind of visitors who flood into the city every summer. They add colour and vibrancy to our streets, says our columnist.
From the moment the shots were fired I struggled to comprehend what I was seeing, said our columnist.
Hs highly motivated campaign team were prepared to go to extraordinary lengths on his behalf over an unprecedented period of time, says our columnist.
Had he been up against a less formidable, energetic and convincing challenger he might have resisted the anti-SNP tsunami, says our columnist.
I've had my fill of NHS horror stories, and don't want to consume any more, says our columnist.
We are still in the era of the “cost-of-living crisis” and there’s no doubt some people are struggling.
In the Highlands people are having to wait extraordinary lengths of time for consultation treatment. What good is that for anyone’s mental wellbeing?
The national health service is seldom out of the headlines these days for a range of negative reasons.
The health service is seldom out of the headlines these days for a range of negative reasons.
'Sturgeon has been hung out to dry for deleting any humiliation she might have suffered through WhatsApp exchanges, and maybe she deserves to be.'
'I doubt if he’s anything like as confident about his whereabouts 12 months from now as Sir Keir Starmer seems to be.'
'This is exacerbated by social media where vast numbers of people are raging at each other or stoking up the next Twitterstorm of grievance and fury.'