'You're not alone' call to distressed Highlanders as confidential help is flagged by NHS Highland as part of awareness week
THE availability of help for people distraught over the end of a relationship or loss of a job is being flagged up in the Highlands.
The help, part of Suicide Prevention Week awareness-raising, is being flagged by NHS Highland.
It said: "Sometimes we can feel stressed, anxious, or experience something that is very difficult to cope with, such as losing our job or the end of a relationship. You don’t have to deal with these problems alone.
"There are a number of mental health services available to everyone in Scotland. These services are here to listen, offer advice, and guide you towards getting the help you need."
It flags Breathing Space, a confidential listening service for people over 16: "You can phone Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87. Calls are free from landlines and mobiles. There’s also a webchat service available on their website. The Breathing Space phoneline is available 24 hours at weekends and 6pm to 2am on weekdays."
It also highlights YoungMinds Crisis Messenger. That is for children and young people under 16. The service provides free, confidential, 24/7 crisis support by text message over as many texts needed.
For more information and resources visit NHS Inform https://bit.ly/3Bu0veV