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Views sought on sale of Invergordon bust bought for £5 but now thought to be worth £2.5m

The Bouchardon Bust of Sir John Gordon, by Edmé Bouchardon. Picture: Highland Council.
The Bouchardon Bust of Sir John Gordon, by Edmé Bouchardon. Picture: Highland Council.

PEOPLE living in an Easter Ross community are being urged to have their say on the fate of a bust bought for £5 and now thought to be worth over £2.5million.

A consultation will allow members of the Invergordon community to voice their opinion on what should happen to the bust of Sir John Gordon, known as the Bouchardon Bust. It runs until March 15.

The bust, created by Edmé Bouchardon, was first purchased by the Invergordon Town Council in 1930, because Sir John Gordon was believed to be the founder of the Easter Ross town. The original intention for the bust was said to be having it on public display.

Since the bust was purchased in the 1930s, the value of sculptures by Edmé Bouchardon has dramatically increased, with the value of Sir John Gordon's bust being an estimated £2.5 million.

That's a dramatic increase from earlier estimates of £1.4m just a few months ago.

Because of the extremely high value and security risks, the bust cannot be displayed publicly and has now been held for a number of years in storage.

It's part of the assets of Invergordon Common Good Fund and the possibility of it generating significant income for the benefit of the local community prompted discussion over its possible sale.

The bust is a major asset of the Invergordon Common Good Fund.
The bust is a major asset of the Invergordon Common Good Fund.

Proceeds from the bust would be a capital receipt for the Invergordon Common Good Fund. That could offer potential investment, resulting in a potential ongoing stream of income used to benefit the community.

It is said that this consultation will be the first step in a lengthy process.

Community views on the proposal to sell the bust will be listened to by the council, and all submission will be given full regard before a decision is made, which once agreed will be published on the Highland Council website.

If you would like to submit an opinion on this proposal, email common.good@highland.gov.uk or post to Sara Murdoch, The Highland Council HQ, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX.

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