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Possible coronavirus checking tent goes up at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness

What appears to be a tent erected to carry out tests in suspected cases of coronavirus has appeared at Raigmore Hospital.
What appears to be a tent erected to carry out tests in suspected cases of coronavirus has appeared at Raigmore Hospital.

WHAT appears to be a tent for doing drive-thru coronavirus tests has appeared at Raigmore Hospital.

NHS Highland has not confirmed the purpose of the tent in the hospital grounds but it was photographed this morning with a car inside and a masked and plastic-suited medic standing near the driver's window.

It is similar to portable check points that have been, or are being, installed throughout the country as part of health service plans to set up home and community testing as confirmed cases of coronavirus continue to rise across the UK.

It is understood that after being referred through NHS 111 people are invited to an appointment in their car, during which two community nurses carry out a swab in the nose and mouth.

These are checked and assessed within 72 hours and people are asked to self-isolate while checks are completed, to prevent any potential onward transmission of the virus.

* Click here for more on coronavirus.

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