Opera pop-up tour has Dornoch date
Scottish Opera has included a Sutherland date in its summer pop-up tour.
Kicking off on May 27, the tour visits nine venues across Scotland including the West Church Hall, Dornoch, on Saturday, June 24.
The production comprises specially specially created 30-minute samples of Die Fledermaus and Eugene Onegin – one a sparkling comedy of mistaken identities and the other a stirring tale of first love.
They will be brought to life by a storyteller, two singers, instrumentalists, and a beautiful backdrop and set of illustrations.
The singers will also visit primary schools in the various towns to perform Puffy MacPuffer and the Crabbit Canals.
Jane Davidson, Scottish Opera’s director of outreach and education, said: "This year, the Pop-up Opera company are coming off their trailer and back inside schools and community halls across the country, with a blend of weekday visits to primary schools and weekend performances in public venues.
"Travel is still very much at the heart of our programme, introducing primary pupils to the adventures Puffy MacPuffer, a very small boat with a very big heart."
Two performances have been scheduled to take place at Dornoch, from 2pm and 4pm.
Tickets, priced £7 – free tickets for essential companions and job seekers – can be bought at www.scottishopera.org.uk