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Family says three-year sentence handed to dangerous driver Mikey Durdle from Beauly, who caused death of Inverness man Kyle Robertson on Ross-shire route, denies them justice

By Gregor White

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Kyle Robertson died at the scene in 2018.
Kyle Robertson died at the scene in 2018.

The family of a man killed on a Highland road say they were hoping for a more substantial sentence to be given to the driver found guilty of causing his death.

The High Court in Aberdeen heard how Mikey Durdle’s Audi A3 hit speeds of more than 84 miles per hour as he went to overtake Kyle Robertson’s Seat Leon on a section of at the A835 near Garve on February 25, 2018.

Mr Robertson (20), from Inverness, failed to signal as he also pulled out to overtake a slower moving car in front of him and Durdle collided with him, causing his vehicle to leave the road then cross a verge and a railway line before hitting a tree and landing on its side.

He was declared dead at the scene.

Mikey Durdle has been sentenced to three years imprisonment.
Mikey Durdle has been sentenced to three years imprisonment.

After Durdle (23), from Beauly, was sentenced to three years imprisonment and banned from driving for seven and a half years today, Mr Robertson's mother, Lorraine, said the term was not long enough.

“We, as a family, have waited over two years to get justice for our darling son Kyle," she said. "Today we did not receive this and neither, do we feel, did Kyle.

“We had hoped that a substantial sentence would be passed, as suggested, to show testament to Kyle’s life and provide us with some sense of closure.

“We are devastated that this is not the case and cannot agree that remorse has been shown for taking his life.

“We are still heartbroken and searching for our sense of peace as a family.”

Karyn McPhee, legal executive with Slater and Gordon, representing the family, said: “Today has been extremely difficult for Lorraine and her family.

“There is no sentence that can replicate the pain of losing a loved one. We will continue to support them through this difficult time.”

Also speaking after sentence was inposed Sergeant Chris Murray, Police Scotland’s senior investigating officer, said: "This was a tragic incident which needlessly resulted in death of a young man at just 20 years old. This incident has had a devastating impact on Kyle Robertson’s family and friends.

"I would like to thank the members of the public who came forward during this extensive enquiry.

"It stands as a stark reminder of the consequences which driving dangerously and at excessive speed can have.

"Kyle Robertson has lost his life in this collision and Mikey Durdle is now serving a custodial sentence for his involvement.

"This was a completely avoidable incident, which has had long lasting consequences for all those involved and especially those who knew Kyle.

"Drivers must obey speed limits and respect the safety of other road users. Drivers are responsible for their actions and the temptation to take risks can have long lasting consequences, please take a second to consider is it worth it."

Related article: Beauly car enthusiast who caused the death of an Inverness driver on a road near Garve in the Wester Ross area of the Highlands has been jailed for three years at the High Court in Aberdeen

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