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Trio's coast to coast effort from Ullapool to Ardgay gives funding boost to charity Pancreatic Cancer UK

A COAST to coast trek and cycle ride by a Golspie resident, her brother and a friend has raised more than £3,000 so far for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Becky Shaw, her brother Duncan (Doig) and Mats de Boer, an intern at NatureScot, where Becky works as a rural development adviser, walked from Ullapool to Ardgay.

Becky Shaw.
Becky Shaw.

They then got on their bikes for the final leg of the journey to Golspie.

They were given moral support by Jenny Grant, originally from Dornoch, who accompanied them for a spell as far as East Rhidorroch, near Ullapool.

Becky said: "The weather was a bit mixed in the morning, but cleared up later in the day.

"It took us 13.5 hours to reach Ardgay, with the last five or six miles being pretty slow.

"We had bad blisters on our feet which meant that we finished the Ardgay to Golspie section the next day by bike instead of on foot as originally planned."

Becky thanked those who had contributed to the fundraiser and said people had been "incredibly generous".

She added: "The disease is affecting my family and I am now aware of how much more research needs to be done to improve early diagnosis and treatments."

Donations can still be made by visiting: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/beckyshaw-coasttocoast

Pancreatic Cancer UK work to improve outcomes for people diagnosed with the disease.

Click here to donate

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