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Airline security restrictions reintroduced at Highland airports

By Philip Murray

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An airport security check before a flight (stock image).
An airport security check before a flight (stock image).

Airline passengers have been warned that restrictions on liquids in hand luggage have been reintroduced at Highland airports.

Highlands and Islands Airports (Hial) issued the warning this week after Department for Transport restrictions on liquid containers larger than 100ml were reintroduced to "allow changes to be made to the x-ray screening equipment" that scans luggage.

At the start of June, new changes to security procedures had come into force enabling passengers to carry liquids in containers of up to two litres.

But the swift U-turn back to 100ml came on Sunday, June 9. Hial has stressed that "all other aspects" of the new regulations that took effect on June 1 - including the ability to leave large electronic devices in hand baggage for screening, remain in effect.

Vivienne Drever, corporate security manager for Hial, said, “HIAL had invested to upgrade its X-ray equipment to meet the deadline of 1 June. Following the announcement made by the Department for Transport we have taken action to comply with their requirements.

New security measures at Inverness.
New security measures at Inverness.

“Liquids in hand baggage must be in containers of 100ml or less, in a plastic bag measuring 20cm x 20cm and placed in trays from screening as previously. Further information is available on our airport websites.

“We will keep passengers updated when restrictions are lifted.”

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