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Find Christmas inspiration at Clynelish Distillery

10 November 2023
Find Christmas inspiration at Clynelish Distillery

Find Christmas inspiration at Clynelish Distillery

10 November 2023

Steeped in history, mystery and breath-taking surroundings, Clynelish Distillery, is the perfect spot to indulge in some Christmas festivities.

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Highland family's witchcraft ordeal detailed in papers

04 November 2023
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Highland family's witchcraft ordeal detailed in papers

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Highland family's witchcraft ordeal detailed in papers

04 November 2023

In 1662 most of Scotland was gripped in a witch hunting frenzy. This led to many accusations, imprisonments, trials and executions across the country.

SARAH RANKIN: Three things you should be eating right now!

28 October 2023
SARAH RANKIN: Three things you should be eating right now!

SARAH RANKIN: Three things you should be eating right now!

28 October 2023

Whatever you’re planning for dinner, choosing seasonal local produce helps the planet, says our columnist.

From the Archives: The Strathglass Maclean Witch Trial of 1662

28 October 2023
From the Archives: The Strathglass Maclean Witch Trial of 1662

From the Archives: The Strathglass Maclean Witch Trial of 1662

28 October 2023

The Highland Archive Centre has fascinating documents from a grim chapter in the area's history.

COMMENT: Politicians really need to pick a side on 'green' electricity

28 October 2023
COMMENT: Politicians really need to pick a side on 'green' electricity

COMMENT: Politicians really need to pick a side on 'green' electricity

28 October 2023

'Can our elected representatives just be honest and tell us the facts? We are not stupid and it is time they stopped treating us like we are.'

COMMENT: We need a safer A9 – not more dualling

21 October 2023
COMMENT: We need a safer A9 – not more dualling

COMMENT: We need a safer A9 – not more dualling

21 October 2023

'I am dismayed at the universal cry to dual the A9 in the name of safety and economic progress, when neither will be served by dualling.'

NHS HIGHLAND: Who will make decisions for you if you were no longer able to make them yourself?

14 October 2023
NHS HIGHLAND: Who will make decisions for you if you were no longer able to make them yourself?

NHS HIGHLAND: Who will make decisions for you if you were no longer able to make them yourself?

14 October 2023

There is a common misconception that you can still appoint an attorney upon learning of a diagnosis of a long-term illness, says our columnist.

VIEW ON NHS: Highland healthcare in a precarious position

12 October 2023
VIEW ON NHS: Highland healthcare in a precarious position

VIEW ON NHS: Highland healthcare in a precarious position

12 October 2023

A Highland councillor and Lib Dem candidate for Westminster shares his thoughts on the problems facing the NHS and care sector.

Changes to a 100-year-old law will bring Trusts into the 21st century

09 October 2023
Changes to a 100-year-old law will bring Trusts into the 21st century

Changes to a 100-year-old law will bring Trusts into the 21st century

09 October 2023

Harper MacLeod's Lindsay MacEwen explains the Trusts Law.

Winter habitats are important for food and shelter

08 October 2023
Winter habitats are important for food and shelter

Winter habitats are important for food and shelter

08 October 2023

Making Space for Nature by Roz Summers

SARAH RANKIN: I'm ready for porridge to inspire and excite me!

01 October 2023
SARAH RANKIN: I'm ready for porridge to inspire and excite me!

SARAH RANKIN: I'm ready for porridge to inspire and excite me!

01 October 2023

Next Saturday the MasterChef finalist from Inverness will be hosting the Golden Spurtle World Porridge Making Championship in Carrbridge.

The Seaforth: Preserving History Through the Restoration of Stone Walls

29 September 2023
The Seaforth: Preserving History Through the Restoration of Stone Walls

The Seaforth: Preserving History Through the Restoration of Stone Walls

29 September 2023

Local Craftsmen Brian Wilson Revives Historical Heritage

Why Highland photographer blows hot and cold

28 September 2023
Why Highland photographer blows hot and cold

Why Highland photographer blows hot and cold

28 September 2023

Club members were gripped by the presentation which revealed blunders amongst the triumphs.

NHS HIGHLAND: Reduce, return, recycle – How you can play a part in climate week

23 September 2023
NHS HIGHLAND: Reduce, return, recycle – How you can play a part in climate week

NHS HIGHLAND: Reduce, return, recycle – How you can play a part in climate week

23 September 2023

Returned medication is incinerated at a huge cost to the environment.

Fed up of the midges? Then help bats thrive in the Highlands!

17 September 2023
Fed up of the midges? Then help bats thrive in the Highlands!

Fed up of the midges? Then help bats thrive in the Highlands!

17 September 2023

Making Space for Nature by Saranne Bish

PATRICK VICKERY: We are all immortal until one day we are not

16 September 2023
PATRICK VICKERY: We are all immortal until one day we are not

PATRICK VICKERY: We are all immortal until one day we are not

16 September 2023

None of us journey easily into old age but life continues to provide unexpected pleasures no matter what decade of decrepitude you happen to inhabit.

How the medicine you take affects the world around you

16 September 2023
How the medicine you take affects the world around you

How the medicine you take affects the world around you

16 September 2023

Did you know that the medicines we use make up 25 per cent of the NHS’s carbon footprint?

Personnel redundancies aren’t personal – but what are the legal requirements?

04 September 2023
Personnel redundancies aren’t personal – but what are the legal requirements?

Personnel redundancies aren’t personal – but what are the legal requirements?

04 September 2023

Redundancy is about the position, not the person. It's the job role that becomes redundant, not the individual's worth or skills.

Collect wildflower seeds and help Highland pollinators

20 August 2023
Collect wildflower seeds and help Highland pollinators

Collect wildflower seeds and help Highland pollinators

20 August 2023

Making Space for Nature by Jenny Grant

LETTERS: Surely we can do better to help breastfeeding mums returning to work?

13 August 2023
LETTERS: Surely we can do better to help breastfeeding mums returning to work?

LETTERS: Surely we can do better to help breastfeeding mums returning to work?

13 August 2023

Letters and opinion on stories we publish in print and online are welcome.

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