The new steel and concrete structure will replace the 140-year-old Naver bridge.
Highland Coast Hotels Ltd has sealed the deal on its first acquisition - the Kylesku Hotel, run for 12 years by Tanja Lister and Sonia Virechauveix.
Highland rescuers to take delivery of new £240,000 vessel and launch and recovery vehicle
A MASTERPLAN outlining ideas to turn a Highland town into a show piece tourism destination was unveiled at an online presentation.
Scottish Family Party leader Richard Lucas said Philipp Tanzer would be a 'breath of fresh air' in the Scottish Parliament.
It is International Women’s Day today - a day designated to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
Lockdown gave a former bookseller and lover of literature the opportunity to become a published author in his own right.
Tentative plans are being laid to honour a legendary Highkand flytier.
A dance teacher is holding a free online adult dance session in a bid to boost people’s mental health and wellbeing during lockdown.
Drivers in Sutherland are being warned not to ignore road closure signs.
Motorists are being advised that two Sutherland roads are currently closed to traffic because of drifting snow.
A councillor has paid tribute to volunteers who gritted driveways and access roads for vulnerable householders.
A HIGHLAND father and daughter have embarked on a year-long wild swimming challenge in aid of charity.
An Australian former mining engineer now living in Elphin has been named as the Scottish Crofting Federation's Young Crofter of the Year.
A footpath leading to the highest summit of one of the north-west Highland's most prominent mountains has been restored and upgraded.
A petition for a judicial review of the decision by Highland Council to grant planning consent for Space Hub Sutherland has been granted.
The Church of Scotland is joining other faiths in encouraging people to get vaccinated against Covid-19.
She has been dubbed the ‘tablet fairy’ because her skill at making the popular sweet treat is legendary.
Three people sharing a Highland postcode are celebrating today after winning a pre-Christmas windfall.
One of the UK’s most famous and best loved actresses has dedicated a grove in a Sutherland wood to the people she loves.