A Greens Highland councillor has called for more staff to tackle a huge backlog of unresolved planning enforcement cases across the region.
Worried community leaders have warned NHS Highland “people will die” after plans to downgrade the Out of Hours medical service sparked a row.
The council is investigating more than 300 land owners and property developers for breaching planning rules, without publishing any details online.
Highland Council is investigating hundreds of land owners and developers for breaching planning rules, without sharing details online.
The proposed extension of telecommunication masts into a UNESCO biosphere is a step too far for many campaigners.
The National Trust for Scotland has welcomed withdrawal of an application to site a mobile phone mast in one of the most scenic parts of Scotland.
The scheme would bring in cash for Highland Council and would be popular with some – and less so with those affected.
Loch Broom residents are concerned over plans for a “feed barge” at the Corry fish farm, with fears noise could affect up to 50 nearby households.
Calls for better signage were sparked after waters at popular Highland beaches were found to have broken pollution limits five times this summer.
New data showing 10 of the most dangerous single carriageway sections of the A9 are north of Inverness has sparked new calls for urgent investment.
Despite hundreds of complaints from the public over dog fouling and litter, Highland Council issued no fines to offenders in the last year.
People could be banned from an area covering more than 50 sq km when a rocket is launched from a new Highland spaceport.
The owner of land at Gairloch that could host a commercial gold mine has backed residents’ calls for a community benefit fund.
Are people across the region being let down when it comes to transport needs?
Gairloch residents have called on a Canadian gold mining firm to come clean about plans for a mine in the area.