Dingwall rallying call over town’s 800th anniversary
RESIDENTS of Ross-shire’s county town are being invited to come together to ensure a milestone birthday bash is written into the history books.
With the proud royal burgh of Dingwall set to mark its 800th anniversary next year, an exciting vision for one of its landmark features is next week being put to townsfolk for feedback.
A vision of how the Pefferside Park pond could look as part of an ambitious programme that also includes the River Peffery catchment restoration has been outlined for discussion.
A call has gone out to the plethora of groups active in and around the town and residents keen to show their own civic pride in a place dripping with a rich and colourful history.
As previously reported, there are plans to make better use of public buildings and spaces and long-delayed proposals to reopen the Hector Macdonald memorial monument overlooking the town.
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The countdown to 2026 and the start of the 800th anniversary celebrating the grant of Dingwall's Royal Burgh status has well and truly begun.
A spokesperson for community groups collaborating on the effort said: “Dingwall has much worth celebrating, a multitude of groups meeting around the town from preschools, playgroups, musicians, dancers, choral groups, singers, crafters, embroiderers, knitters, sewers, artists, photographers, ramblers, SWI, Rotary, martial arts, sports, yoga and pilates to name just a few.
“Add a diverse number of businesses from large companies to sole traders as well as charities all working here in the community and well beyond and you have a community which has much to raise a glass to on its 800th anniversary.
“Is your group already planning a Dingwall 800 event or do you have a one-off event to include in the programme? Do you have an annual event that can be included? Perhaps your group is small and would prefer to collaborate with others?
“Do you have ideas to help celebrate Dingwall 800 - are you keen to help?
“The aim is to have events running throughout the year to highlight and honour Dingwall's past alongside the multitude of things that happen in and around our town and the people who live, work and visit here at this milestone anniversary. Let's celebrate!"
Craft and art fairs, dance exhibitions, competitions, quizzes, ceilidhs, dances, galas, come along and try days, flower exhibition and garden competitions are a few ideas already being floated.
Dingwall Community Development Company (DCDC) and Dingwall Community Council (DCC), working in collaboration with each other, want to hear from those with an interest.
There’s an open invitation to a drop-in alongside the Pefferside Park consultation at Dingwall Community Centre on Monday, February 3 from 4pm to 8pm.
Alternatively, use the contact form on the DCDC web site www.dingwall.scot. or contact DCC at dingwallcommunitycouncil@gmail.com