Local volunteers get stuck right in to Loch Ussie beauty spot nasties!
A PLUCKY crew of volunteers got stuck into eyesores at a Ross-shire beauty spot as part of a major clean-up at the weekend.
The Ross-shire Journal had highlighted local concerns about the growing litter menace affecting the wooded banks of Loch Ussie.
Dingwall-based activist Andrea Goddard, a volunteer at the nearby Tollie Red Kites centre, decided to organise a clean-up campaign and roped in Highland Council to provide equipment.
A number of ward councillors also pledged their time for the Saturday morning litter-busting bid which was voted a great success.
Burst inflatables, baby wipes and toilet paper, broken camp chairs, a large tyre and bottles and beer cans were amongst the delights awaiting the volunteers.
Said Andrea: "The cleanup went very well. We had a great turn out and it was lovely to see families with their children come over to help too.
"It was sad to see such a big mess in a beautiful place. There was loads of the stuff. It didn’t take long to clear it up once we started and it was quite fun working as a team and doing the right thing for our community. We were all done after an hour so it didn’t take long."
She added: "I'd like to say thank you so much to everyone that turned up - it's much appreciated. Hopefully it will stay clean and tidy from now on.
"The littering of our beautiful countryside shows a complete lack of respect from a small percentage of individuals which then spoils these enjoyment of these places for the rest of us.
"The solution to this is difficult to envisage, but if the local community takes ownership of this issue, further problem areas are identified and cleaned up and if we work together with the landowners maybe it can that new robust signage will be put up to see if that helps.
"No one minds recreational use of our countryside including fishing or camping, but please get a fishing permit and take your rubbish home with you! Take responsibilty for your own actions. It really is that simple."