Munro’s Nurseries in North Kessock has everything you need for your garden this autumn
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Award-winning North Kessock garden centre, Munro’s Nurseries, have everything your garden needs this autumn season.
Sandy Munro, a director of the family-run business, has shared his expert advice on all the jobs to get sorted this autumn — with all the materials and help you could possibly need available from Munro’s Nurseries.
“While autumn isn’t as busy as the spring, our keen customers who know what they’re doing certainly come in — and they come in to enjoy the coffee shop attached to the nurseries as well.” Sandy explained. “We’re always more than happy to help and advise people if they come and see us at the gardens. There’s always a team about that will be able to help.
“Everything that you could need over the next couple of months, we certainly have in the shop — there’s a good selection available right through the autumn months.”
Sandy’s list of the best garden jobs to get sorted this autumn are:
• Tidying the leaves out of the pond.
• Cleaning out nest boxes and birdfeeders, ready for the start of the winter season.
• It’s the ideal time for planting trees, shrubs and fruit trees.
• Prepare the ground for planting.
• Move tender plants into the greenhouse, shed or indoors.
• Cleaning out the greenhouse, ready for the winter.
• Lightly prune roses to stop windbreak.
• Plant spring-flowering bulbs — the earlier they flower, the earlier they should be planted.
• Treat the lawn to an autumn feed.
• Clean the garden tools and lawnmower.
• Plant autumn bedding such as: pansies, violas, wallflowers and forget-me-nots.
• Rake up the fallen leaves, to be added to the compost heap or to make leaf mould.
• Check the greenhouse heaters are working.
• Plant garlic and onions for an early crop next year.
• Have a good supply of garden fleece for the colder weather.
All the materials you need for these jobs can be found at Munro’s Nurseries, who are located at Bogallan in North Kessock, and are open from 9am—5pm from Monday to Friday, and 10am—5pm on Sundays.
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