Kessock Bridge queues likely to ease at Easter
MOTORISTS negotiating the Kessock Bridge works will probably have shorter journey times during the Easter holidays, according to contractors.
Calum Galloway, BEAR Scotland’s Bridges Manager for the North West Unit, was speaking as the £13.2 million bridge refurbishment works enter their sixth week.
Mr Galloway said: "We are making good progress on works to date and this week will see activity begin on the application of the new waterproofing system. This is an important part of the works being undertaken to improve the bridge.
"We are also continuing to monitor journey times. We anticipate that similar to last year, journey times will be reduced during peak hours when the schools break for Easter shortly.
"Road users have been very patient to date. Their continued support to avoid the bridge during peak times or choosing alternative methods of travel is appreciated."
The second phase of the main Kessock Bridge upgrade started on February 10. Week six of the 20-week programme continues to see contra-flow on the northbound carriageway as well as a reduced speed limit of 30mph.
Works planned for the week ahead include the continuation of:
• Removal of the existing waterproofing on the bridge deck.
• Construction of access scaffolding for the cable stressing on the east side of the bridge.
• Preparation for the installation of the new movement joints.
• The installation of the new barrier.
• The modification of the existing bridge parapets, to make them cycleway compliant.
• The application of the primer for the waterproofing system on the footway.
In addition, works will begin on application of the new waterproofing system.