Highland Community Lottery launched to raise money for good causes in region
A community lottery has been launched to raise money for good causes in the Highlands.
The Highland Community Lottery is being run by the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI) in partnership with the established lottery company Gatherwell, and has been licensed by Highland Council.
Charities and community groups are being encouraged to register as beneficiaries and will receive 50p of the sale price of £1 per ticket ithey are nominated by the purchaser as the good cause they want to support. Ten pence from the ticket price will go to a central fund for the Highlands.
Good causes that register will get a dedicated web page on the Lottery site, a welcome pack with marketing materials, a dedicated support line, and personal dashboard to track donations/funds raised.
The first draw of the lottery takes place on Saturday, July 27, with a jackpot prize of £25,000 for the player who matches six numbers.
The lottery will be be drawn weekly on Saturdays. For more information about the lottery and how to register as a good cause, please visit: www.highlandcommunitylottery.co.uk