Winter flu jag plea as Ross-shire MSP backs vaccination for ‘protection against serious illness’
A ROSS-SHIRE MSP who has also worked as a pharmacist is encouraging all eligible people in Highland to get their winter flu jag.
The Caithness, Sutherland & Ross MSP says getting the jag could protect people against serious illness.
Her comments come in the wake of calls to return the delivery of essential vaccination services to GP practices following concerns the current programme is “not fit for purpose”.
Scotland had the highest uptake of flu vaccines amongst people over 65 in the UK last winter, with research from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) showing that 79.8% of people over 65 in Scotland received their winter flu vaccine.
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This was a higher percentage than in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Latest figures show that so far this winter 52.3% of eligible adults in the NHS Highland area have received their flu and Covid-19 vaccines.
People have until March 31 to receive their jags but are being encouraged to book an appointment as soon as possible to protect them this winter.
Other eligible groups for the double dose flu and Covid-19 vaccination include pregnant women, people with certain health conditions and frontline health workers.
Those entitled to the flu-only vaccination include primary and secondary school pupils, unpaid carers and the homeless.
Maree Todd said: “Getting vaccinated gives you the best possible protection against flu viruses which are circulating this winter. The flu vaccine offers strong protection, while the Covid-19 booster reduces the severity of illness and boosts protection.
“The vaccines will reduce your risk of needing to go to hospital with serious illness and help to protect those around you from catching flu and getting ill.
“It is hugely encouraging that Scotland had the highest uptake of vaccines in the UK last winter and I encourage everyone in Highland who hasn’t already done so this winter, to check if they are eligible.
“Getting vaccinated is not only the best way to protect yourself and your family from serious illness this winter, but it will also help to reduce the pressure on the NHS over the busy winter period.”
She advises people who are eligible for winter vaccinations to check Winter vaccines | NHS inform and their local health boards for available drop-in clinics.