Dream opportunity for Highland children to audition for parts in Eden Court pantomime Peter Pan as Imagine Theatre issues casting call for junior ensemble and Michael and John parts
Eden Court is set to hold open auditions to find young performers for this year’s family pantomime Peter Pan.
They will be held on Sunday, August 28 and are open to all children who must be at least 9 years old and in P5 of school on the first day of rehearsals and no older than 16 and in S4 on the last day of the performances.
In addition to auditioning children to appear in the junior ensemble, the audition panel will be also be looking to cast the roles of John and Michael, two of the Darling children, who accompany Wendy and Peter on their visit to Neverland.
Steve Boden, managing director of Imagine Theatre who are producing the pantomime, said: “Due to the pandemic, we were unable to have a junior ensemble in the production last year and they were sorely missed. We are thrilled to be able to have them back in the panto this year and excited to be holding open auditions again.
“We like to hold open auditions so that absolutely any child of the right age can come andnaudition for the show, regardless of their experience. Appearing in the pantomime provides youngsters with valuable experience in working in theatre and the performing arts, so we feel it is important to offer this opportunity as widely as possible to youngsters within the Highlands.
“For those who wish to audition for a part in the junior ensemble, the children will be taught a dance routine that they perform as a group back to the audition panel. For those auditioning for John and Michael, we will be focussing more on their acting and singing ability.”
More information on the auditions, including further information on age and attendance requirements as well as the application form can be found on www.eden-court.co.uk or www.imaginetheatre.co.uk. Application forms do not need to be submitted in advance for junior ensemble although where possible please complete them beforehand and bring with you to save time on audition day.
Those auditioning for John and Michael will need to submit their forms in advance to faye@imaginetheatre.co.uk.
Peter Pan runs from Wednesday, December 7 2022 until Sunday, January 8, 2023.