Burgh in bloom as Tain enthusiasts deploy flower power for open day
A DEDICATED team of volunteers are hoping for a blooming good turnout when they host an open day in Tain on Saturday.
Members of Tain Task Force, the town’s volunteer environmental group, have planted up over 300 floral baskets, ready to hang out in the royal burgh this month.
The baskets, and plants for containers and flower beds in the town, are grown and planted up in Tain’s community polytunnel by a team of enthusiastic volunteers.
The group are holding an open day at the polytunnel on Saturday, June 7 between 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm. Members of the public are invited along to see how the baskets are prepared and to meet members of the group.
If anyone wants more information, they’re invited to contact David McAllister on 01862 892302.