Boaters warned over dolphin harassment
ENVIRONMENT agency Scottish Natural Heritage is warning boat operators not to get too close to dolphins.
With the summer holidays underway, SNH and Police Scotland say it is important to give dolphins, whales and porpoises, which are collectively known as cetaceans, their space.
Cetaceans are protected under the law from intentional or reckless disturbance, harassment, killing and injury.
Dolphins are sociable, naturally inquisitive animals and will often approach boats. With large crafts which are moving on a steady heading, this doesn’t usually pose any threat as the dolphins can choose to swim away from any disturbance or danger. In fact, dolphins are often seen by ferry passengers apparently playing by riding the bow wave.
But problems can happen with smaller, high-speed craft such as power boats and jet skis, which change direction quickly and frequently. Disturbance may be a particular problem when it takes place in areas that are important for the animals.
Dolphins, whales and porpoises may not be able to avoid these craft and may be injured by direct or propeller impacts. The noise and changing direction can disorientate cetaceans, while reckless activity, such as driving through a school of dolphins, can separate adults from their young.
Andy Turner, SNH’s wildlife crime officer, said: "If your boat is approached by dolphins while you’re operating a power boat or jet ski, you should reduce your speed and cruise on a steady heading away from the dolphins. This gives the dolphins the chance to escape or approach.
"The Marine Code is full of useful information on how to act responsibly around our marine wildlife – much in the same way as the Outdoor Access Code does for land-based wildlife. I’d encourage all operators of marine craft to familiarise themselves with the code."
• Visit for more information on the best way to watch marine wildlife.