Ban on visiting Raigmore Hospital in Inverness remains for weekend
A temporary suspension on visiting at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness to help staff deal with cases of diarrhoea and vomiting will be reviewed on Monday.
NHS Highland looked at the situation yesterday and decided to maintain the ban over the weekend.
Wards 5C and 6C were closed to new admissions last week due to several patients experiencing symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting. Ward 7A has also been closed to new admissions since Tuesday for the same reasons.
Norovirus has been confirmed on all three wards.
A spokesman for NHS Highland said: "Our thanks to all for the co-operation and understanding that has been shown since this was put in place.
"Three wards – 5C, 6C and 7A – remain closed to new admissions due to symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting. Norovirus has been confirmed.
"The temporary suspension of visiting will help with overall patient safety and prevent further potential spread throughout the hospital. It will help us in respecting our patients’ privacy and dignity at a time when many are experiencing distressing symptoms and will also help in preventing the spread of norovirus to visitors.
"Exceptions will be made for patients receiving end-of-life care or for those who are critically ill. If you feel that visiting is essential please contact the ward first by phone before coming to the hospital.
"Please do not visit the ward unless by prior arrangement with the nurse in charge."
Related article: Ban on visiting Raigmore Hospital in Inverness after norovirus hits three wards