NORTH MSP Rob Gibson has accused anti-wind-farm campaigners of being selfish in their refusal to accept the long-term benefits of renewable energy to…
SEVEN people are expected to appear in court on Thursday following a massive police swoop which led to the recovery of £100,000 worth of drugs.
A NEW Pubwatch scheme aimed at reducing anti-social behaviour in licensed premises in Dingwall has been launched - and troublemakers are being warned…
NORTHERN Constabulary's top cop has issued a diplomatic response to a widely anticipated Scottish Government decision for a single, nationwide force.
CROMARTY is positioning itself as the place to be this weekend with a host of events converging on the same day.
An historic Ross-shire town will come under the spotlight at a special week of celebrations.
BLACK Isle motorists are being invited to attend a free Fuel Efficient Driving event this weekend to find out how they could slash up to £300 per year…
A SPECIAL dram created in the name of a prince in Tain 14 years ago will again be given the royal seal of approval when it's bottled today.
BLACK Isler Iain Chalmers has proved he can cut it in the world of chainsaw carving by winning the Scottish championships for the second year in a row.…
THE new cluster head for Maryburgh and Conon Bridge primary schools has been named as Rita McDaid.
SEVERAL Ross-shire businesses are in the running for a prestigious food and drink award.
THE funeral will take place today (Tues) of a popular former Ross-shire driving instructor who lost his life in a garage fire.
BACKROOM staff are bracing themselves for another hectic day at Victoria Park as the second tranche of tickets for the eagerly anticipated tussle with…
THOUSANDS of people flocked to Dingwall on Saturday for the town’s Great Feil Maree - the biggest turnout since the historic event was revived in 2006.
A LITTLE taste of Ross-shire marked an airline's first flight from the Highland capital to Amsterdam on Monday.
A ROSS-SHIRE shellfish company is giving the Dutch a taste of the Highlands’ bountiful larder as a new air link to the Netherlands is launched today (Mon).
Dingwall is to set become home to an emergency response team which will provide round the clock help to people over 500 miles away.
A ROSS-shire police officer is considering repeating a fundraiser after hauling in more than £2,400 for causes close to her heart.
A NEW police area commander has taken up his post in Ross-shire.
A SHERIFF has deferred sentence again on an Avoch man appearing on his second drink-driving offence in a year.