THE menace of fly-tipping is all the more galling in an area like the Highlands of Scotland, reputed across the globe for its mighty swathes of beautiful,…
THE Parliament is currently in recess to coincide with the schools mid-term break and it’s a welcome opportunity to spend the whole week in the Highlands…
ECONOMISTS often refer to the laws of supply and demand when trying to explain one of the most basic reasons for major fluctuations in the price for a…
A MAN who supplied cannabis to schoolchildren as young as 15 will be sentenced next month after admitting the charge at Dingwall Sheriff Court this week.…
PEOPLE who act violently or aggressively towards council staff in Ross-shire are to have their records black "marked" for six months in a bid to protect…
AN elderly motorist who ran over a female pedestrian while looking for a space in a Dingwall town centre car park was heard saying: “I’ve killed her,…
AN ELDERLY Dingwall woman has today (Thurs) been banned for four years and fined £1,000 for causing the death of a pedestrian by knocking her down in…
DINGWALL Auction Mart has finally been given the green light to build a wind turbine on a hill above it, despite the opposition of Highland Council planners.
A WARNING that Dingwall residents could face further flooding "heartache" was voiced this week with the go-ahead for another huge housing development…
A GROUP of green-fingered Ross-shire enthusiasts have been given the green light to create their own allotments despite huge opposition from the local…
THE developer behind a controversial wind farm on the Ross-shire/Sutherland border has announced it is scaling down its plans. Glenmorie Wind Farm LLP…
CONTROVERSIAL proposals for a huge housing scheme on the edge of Dingwall have been given the green light, despite some major misgivings.
DINGWALL Auction Mart has finally been given the green light to build a wind turbine on a hill above it, despite the opposition of Highland Council planners.…
ROSS County's William Hill Scottish Cup adventure is over for another year after Tuesday night's 2-1 home defeat against SPL opponents St Mirren. This…
THE wheels came off Ross County’s lengthy unbeaten run as the Dingwall side crashed out of the Scottish Cup against ten-man St Mirren.
BIRDWATCHERS lured by waders and wildfowl attracted in spectacular numbers to an Easter Ross reserve will soon be able to do so from a purpose-built hide.…
A ROSS-SHIRE MSP has called for noise restrictions on wind turbines in the Highlands to be relaxed — and claimed “a cackling chicken” can breach the rules.
A CROMARTY woman who was ejected from an Inverness nightspot because she was drunk admitted racially abusing a doorman who had asked her to leave.
THE target date for the partial re-opening of the A890 Stromeferry Bypass which was closed by a rockfall in December has had to be delayed by 10 days.…
THE target date for the partial re-opening of the A890 Stromeferry By-pass road in Wester Ross will be delayed until Monday February 27. The road between…