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12 candidates line up for Highland Council Cromarty Firth ward by-election battle

TWELVE candidates have stepped forward in a bid to claim two available seats on a Ross-shire Highland Council ward.

The vacancies on the four-person Cromarty Firth ward were precipitated by the resignation of former councillors, Molly Nolan (Scottish Liberal Democrat) and Pauline Munro (Highland Independent).

The remaining two sitting councillors are Maxine Smith (Highland Alliance) and Tamala Collier (Scottish National Party).

Amongst them are two Reform UK candidates and five who identify themselves as independents.

More on the Cromarty Firth ward by-election

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Following today’s deadline for nominations, the Highland Council confirmed the details of all the candidates standing in both the Ward 6 Cromarty Firth by-election.

The Conservative, Greens, Labour Liberal Democrats and SNP all have candidates.

The candidates are:

Ryan BARROWMAN - Scottish Greens

Sinclair COGHILL - Independent

Richard James CROSS - Independent

John EDMONDSON - Scottish Liberal Democrats

Brideen GODLEY-MACKENZIE - Independent



Odette MACDONALD - Scottish National Party (SNP)

Tina MCCAFFERY - Independent

Innes MUNRO - Scottish Conservative and Unionist

Michael PERERA - Scottish Labour Party

Martin RATTRAY - Independent

Both Notices of Poll and Statements of Persons nominated are now available on the council’s website – www.highland.gov.uk/byelection

Voting will take place on Thursday, September 26. The electronic count for both wards will be held the following day in Inverness and will be broadcast live on the council’s social media.

Anyone over 16 years old who is living in Ward 6 is eligible to vote if they are registered. To register to vote visit www.gov.uk/register-to-vote . Alternatively, call the Electoral Registration Office on 0800 393783 to request a paper application form. The last date to register to vote in this By-Election is midnight on Tuesday, September 10.

Voters will be able to cast their vote in person on the day by visiting their polling station or they can apply for either a postal vote or appoint a proxy which is requesting someone to vote on their behalf. Photographic ID is not required for people voting at polling stations for this election as it only applies to UK Parliamentary elections.

The latest time to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday 11, September and the deadline for anyone wishing to appoint a proxy, which is someone to vote on their behalf, is 5pm on Wednesday Setpember 18 . Postal packs will be dispatched on Friday, September 13.

Advice on postal and proxy voting is available by contacting the Electoral Registration Office on 0800 393783 or emailing ero@highland.gov.uk

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