25 February 2022
"“Stigma, especially in workplaces, leads to silence. We might be worried about someone in work but we’re too frightened to say anything"
08 February 2022
An extensive and impressive list of events from RenewableUK for 2022
31 January 2022
Latest COVID-19 variant Omicron is highly infectious and still spreading. It is more important than ever we all get vaccinated.
28 January 2022
A partner in the family law team at Harper Macleod, reflects on the challenges and opportunities that come with the turnover of a new year.
24 January 2022
There is a legion of volunteers, many veteran Armed Forces personnel, continuing to help with vaccines rollout.
05 January 2022
Norman Fell, mortgage consultant for HSPC, explains how you can benefit from contacting someone, like himself, with a close eye on the housing market.
31 December 2021
Julie Doncaster, looks at why getting your personal affairs in order could be a great way to bring peace of mind and goodwill to every family.
10 December 2021
Leading placemaker Places for People has unveiled its new four-bedroom detached show home at Tornagrain
10 December 2021
Shoppers across the region are being urged to choose local this Christmas and celebrate the very best that the region has to offer.
03 December 2021
There is no better time of the year than Christmas and Hogmanay for a party, and nothing says party better than cocktails!
02 December 2021
Chris Kerr reflects on some of the major themes which emerged from the recent Scottish Highlands and Islands Rural Economy Conference & Awards
29 October 2021
Leigh Beirne and Bernadette Rutherford consider measures business owners need to put in place when planning for the future.
15 October 2021
Parklands Care Homes has been caring for older people in the Highlands for almost 30 years, and we’re expanding.
21 September 2021
Lisa Law, based at Brodies' Highlands office, answers some common questions about powers of attorney and the importance of having one in place.
27 August 2021
Kenneth Campbell, from Harper Macleod, looks at the often contentious issue of who foots the bills for repairs to a leased property.
20 August 2021
In a year when Covid has brought new challenges to many communities, SSE Renewables has stepped in to help with its biggest ever community donation.
30 July 2021
Calum MacLeod is a Partner in the Rural Economy team at Harper Macleod and one of only two Accredited Specialists in Crofting Law in Scotland.
28 May 2021
Julie Doncaster looks at legal differences between the two countries when a person dies or as they make a Will or consider issues with incapacity.
20 May 2021
If you are worried about the impact on your energy bills while staying in more or working from home, you’re not alone.
30 April 2021
Chris Kerr from Harper Macleod, shares some insights from the recent Marine Economy Week hosted by the firm.