06 April 2020
The chief medical officer of Scotland Dr Catherine Calderwood has resigned from the government after twice travelling to her second home.
05 April 2020
An additional 1.5 million protective respirators have been brought back into use despite recently passing their expiry date.
05 April 2020
The daily number of people in the Highlands who have tested positive for coronavirus continues to grow.
05 April 2020
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has spoken about the emotional impact that Covid-19 has had on her.
05 April 2020
NHS Highland has agreed to a comprehensive programme of compensation and support for victims of bullying.
05 April 2020
Six beds at Highland Hospice have been upgraded – and the older beds have been donated to NHS Highland to help respond to the coronavirus.
04 April 2020
Thirteen more people in the Highlands have tested positive for coronavirus in the past 24 hours.
04 April 2020
A bold vision to develop a pioneering centre in Inverness has taken a major step forward with the granting of planning permission.
03 April 2020
Cancer Research UK is constantly updating its website with information for people with cancer and their families.
03 April 2020
RESIDENTS living in more remote parts of the Highlands will not be forgotten during the coronavirus lockdown, the council has promised.
03 April 2020
VisitScotland has sent a virtual hug to fans of Scotland with a heart-warming film asking them to dream about visits – but not to travel until later.
03 April 2020
Seven more people in the Highlands have tested positive for coronavirus in the past 24 hours.
03 April 2020
EDEN Court staff who have been manning Highland Council's new coronavirus helpline have praised the volume of callers ringing up to offer help.
03 April 2020
JUST one fixed penalty notice has been issued by police in the Highlands since they were given new powers to enforce coronavirus lockdown measures.
03 April 2020
The former chief executive of Highland Council has been appointed to a new agency aimed at reforming the approach to the nation’s health challenges.
03 April 2020
The iconic Glenfinnan viaduct joined landmarks across the UK turning blue to show public support for NHS staff treating coronavirus patients.
02 April 2020
NHS Highland has dismissed suggestions by a campaign group that cuts at New Craigs Hospital are compromising staff and patient safety.
02 April 2020
Almost one in five Highland employees, including vital key workers during the coronavirus crisis, are earning below the real living wage.
02 April 2020
A FURTHER 50 coronavirus deaths were announced in Scotland on Thursday – taking the total to 126 since the outbreak began.
02 April 2020
Lockdown may be slowing coronavirus spread, but the Highlands is almost certainly just a week behind the central belt when it comes to the statistics.