22 September 2020
An Easter Ross school's parent council has praised its rector for putting pupils' wellbeing first.
22 September 2020
AN Easter Ross school was 'acting in good faith' in seeking to alert pupils who may have been in contact with a student affected by coronavirus.
22 September 2020
THE first meeting of the new Torridon & Kinlochewe Community Council will be held online tomorrow, with road repairs and office bearers on the agenda.
22 September 2020
Staff from a fish firm with a presence in Wester Ross have been involved in two recent rescue dramas, it has emerged.
21 September 2020
Pupils at a Wester Ross secondary have abided by advice to self-isolate following a confirmed Covid-19 case at the school.
21 September 2020
A second Highland school has been hit by coronavirus following confirmation of a case involving a pupil at a secondary in Ross-shire.
21 September 2020
A WILD swimmer who feels lucky to be alive after a terrifying allergic reaction to a jellyfish sting, has warned others to take care in the water.
20 September 2020
A group of organisations is lobbying the Scottish Government over plans to tackle flytipping with a proposal for a long-term solution.
19 September 2020
Aerial footage of a community project in Invergordon has delighted volunteers who have masterminded the transformation.
19 September 2020
A MYSTERY prompted by a reader’s chance discovery of a quirky “Dingwall Delicacies” booklet cover has been solved.
19 September 2020
AN animal shelter on the Black Isle has paid tribute to supporters for getting behind a revamped fundraiser.
19 September 2020
DELIGHTED organisers of a Ross market have announced stall holders for their next event – after being "blown away" by the community response.
19 September 2020
PUPILS at Alness Academy were given a sneak peek inside the state of the art new school they'll move into after the October break this week.
19 September 2020
Police are 'increasingly' concerned for the welfare of a man who has been posted missing.
19 September 2020
A community facility in Easter Ross has shared a video to help customers abide by its coronavirus-related procedures.
19 September 2020
The hunger for live theatre in Ross-shire was apparent for all to see when a local group took a leap of faith and staged a classic outdoors.
18 September 2020
Drug trafficking in the Highlands is amongst the main targets of the region’s new top policeman.
18 September 2020
An appeal has gone out to residents of Ross-shire to hep maintain blood stocks at a donor session next week.
18 September 2020
A MAN who became a household name in Ross-shire is calling on anyone struggling with mental health issues to reach out to a respected local charity .
17 September 2020
Boundary Commission proposals to redraw Highland Council ward maps have been described as an "attack on democracy" in the region.