That is despite a large increase in Scottish Government funding announced in the draft budget.
Tourism groups welcome the move saying if it is ‘well-implemented’ it could ‘bring significant benefits to our region’
The Ullapool native says role advising the government on land reform is an ‘honour’ and a ‘duty that I don’t take lightly’.
The move to ‘better serve’ the north follows Kate Forbes’ call to dismantle the local authority.
Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton called on First Minister John Swinney for action.
More cash will come north but the jury is out on whether finance secretary Shona Robison delivered for the north.
Fergus Ewing says recent NI hikes risk the service that offers patients dignity and saves the NHS millions.
Freedom of Information requests discovered the sums the council has received from developers, the total spent, as well as where that was spent.
One of them was told to attend a meeting for an interview with council investigators ‘under caution’.
He was inspired by Fiona Hawthorne who like him survived a brain tumour.
Leading Lib Dems have confidence in a Highland revival as Councillor Andrew Baxter got 58 per cent of the vote.
The bureaucratic blunder emerged because the local authority was not checking ‘to confirm the existence of its staff’.
New figures show the north is behind the national average in 13 out of 15 areas.
Highland Council has outlined a vision that it believes would streamline how it uses assets for the greater public good.
They relate to charges and their implications for both residents staying locally and small operators.
Community Land Scotland chairwoman Ailsa Raeburn warns ‘availability of homes now at crisis level’.
Highland Council now needs to search for a new head for Inverness Royal Academy.
The project, set to replace unfit-for-purpose schools, was hit by localised flooding issues during initial construction work.
Hospitality fears it could put people off visiting but others question why locals foot the bill for mass tourism.
MP Angus MacDonald warns impacts will also be felt by ‘many care homes, pharmacies, doctors surgeries and dentist clinics’.