The ex-Greens MSP says the country needs less party politics and more power devolved to local areas
Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch candidate John Erskine says the party wants to end 'pensioner poverty'
Nicola Sturgeon has added detail to plans to beginning easing many more restrictions in the latest phase of the coronavirus crisis.
The First Minister confirmed that the country will move from level four to level three in a major relaxation of the lockdown
The Lib Dems have proposed creating a “rapid-reaction service” bringing public agencies together to save community assets facing imminent closure.
The Liberal Democrats Denis Rixson says it is easier said than done to build more homes
Conservative candidate Jamie Halcro Johnston says if invest in the economy but not housing nothing will be achieved
Today the SNP's Kate Forbes puts forward radical solutions to keeping homes in the hands of Highlanders and thwarting depopulation
Greens aim to recruit an additional 249 teachers in the Highlands to help deal with the impact of Covid in schools, by reducing class sizes.
Today we start with Labour's John Erskine on how to deal with depopulation and the shortage in housing
In the first part Libertarian Party candidate Harry Christian says how he would deal with the problem
Highland Council is set to start work assessing a site for a replacement building for a special school housed in buildings dubbed 'Dickensian'.
The SNP, Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats all confirmed they would stop campaigning with immediate effect
Convener Bill Lobban says the Highlands 'join the nation in mourning'
How to register, vote and which candidates and parties are standing along with a video guide in BSL
A heartfelt plea has been made to spend surplus funding on Highland roads that are a source of shame for some local councillors.
Highland Council has committed to lobbying the Scottish Government to make 20mph the default speed limit for cars in built-up areas.
The local authority now has a £44 million surplus for the financial year after it received further government funding.
An independent panel found staff were still being bullied by managers
Funding for a replacement to Park Primary in Invergordon remains an issue to be resolved before decisions taken.