SNP, Labour and Tories lay out plans that would impact north in their mission to win votes.
Departures this summer will leave just two members who do not have good working relationship
The local authority issues a paper looking at how renewable companies could help deliver the new homes.
The bold move would see empty homes repurposed and put back on the market alongside if people commit to living locally.
New figures from Transport Scotland show single carriageways on the road are twice as deadly as dualled sections.
There were 199 injuries and 15 deaths on single carriageways while on dual carriageways that fell to 114 injuries and seven deaths.
They are currently predicting wins for Liberal Democrats and the SNP
Freeport chief executive Calum MacPherson says the ‘the public and private sectors coming together for the long-term benefit of the Highlands’.
While her Labour shadow Jackie Baillie said ‘I wish Douglas Ross the best of luck in the future’.
So has he bitten off more than he can possibly chew as an MP and MSP for more than 500,000 people and 40,000 sq km?
But he insists that despite the ‘cry for help’ that ‘Inverness is a good brand. There are a few buyers or investors interested’.
It comes just under two weeks after Rishi Sunak campaigned in the constituency and leaves just four week until the general election.
He asks fans to ‘rally round the club’ saying ‘administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC’.
The charity is expecting to ‘welcome more zipliners, along with our catapult participants’ today as well.
Spokeswoman Lisa Adams says ‘Race for Life has the power not only to transform lives, but to save them’.
Finlay smashed his original £1000 target after walking a mile everyday last month as part of the RNLI Mayday Mile challenge.
Organiser Dougie Brown says it is more than about the music but ‘a celebration of all that is great about Scotland and the Highlands.’
The former First Minister was staking his party’s claim with Alba’s Highland manifesto targeting housing, jobs, and independence.
Alex Salmond alongside Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross candidate Steve Chisholm aim win the party’s first seat at an election win.
Fergus Ewing asked her: ‘surely, many people are right to say the A9 just wasn’t the top priority for the Scottish Government’.