A nursery “has made good progress” implementing improvements since inspectors made recommendations earlier this year, the Care Inspectorate has said.
A donation pillar is to be installed at a centuries-old harbour to help generate funds for its repair and maintenance.
A court has given the go-ahead for Highland Council to sell a valuable marble bust - already the centre of a £2.5m bid - that was bought for just £5.
Temperatures are set to plummet overnight after a weather warning for snow and ice came into force across Ross-shire.
A notorious accident blackspot is being made more dangerous because 'overgrown' bushes have cut visibility for road users.
A person has been taken to hospital following a crash on the Black Isle on Saturday morning.
A courier scam which conned an Inverness resident out of a five-figure sum of cash has led to a police warning to Highland residents to beware.
High Life Highland’s green credentials have been honoured after it clinched a national award.
Grieving Highland children will be given extra emotional support at a devastating time in their lives after the Archie Foundation secured vital funds.
Coastguard volunteers are being sought in communities right across the Highlands after a recruitment drive was launched.
Emergency repairs on a burst water main on a busy Highland road won’t take place until early next week, but tankers will be used to restore supplies.
A snow and ice warning has been issued for the northern Highlands and Moray - with up to 10cm expected to fall in some places.
Axeing the final local presenter from MFR has swept away the “last vestige of it being any kind of community station”, its former chief believes.
An engine fault has sparked the cancellation of some ferry crossings in and out of Ullapool on Thursday.
Jodie McCluskey's breakfast show is being axed, signalling an end to MFR's last regular locally-produced programming.
Water tankers are being deployed to top up the mains in the Applecross area after the water treatment works shut down due to a fault.
A new Highland scheme aimed at helping support people into work has launched its website.
Major disruption on the Highland Mainline this month will enable £9m in track improvements to be carried out, Network Rail has revealed.
A grounded fishing vessel sparked a call-out for the RNLI’s Kessock lifeboat on Friday afternoon.
Kayla Munro (15) and Koby Watts (13) were last seen at Inverness Railway Station at around 5.30pm on Wednesday.