A major A9 roadwork programme expected to last 18 nights has been hit by an adverse weather forecast.
A ‘kind and compassionate’ Easter Ross care home has been praised by the independent regulator for its high-quality care and support.
Tain-based Jacqui, who works with Parklands Care Homes, has spoken out about her life-changing work with rescued dogs.
The fast-growing discount retailer says it has created more than 50 local jobs ahead of its grand opening this weekend.
It was the first prize shearling ram from A & J Nairn, Clashnoir ‘who had a skin like a seal’ and realised £1200.
Dingwall Fire Brigade Community Group; Highland Blindcraft Sensory Services; the Puffin Pool; Feis Rois and St Clement’s School all benefit.
The charity founder has been hailed as ‘a man who made a difference’ and his death has prompted a flood of tributes.
The 24/7 nature of the role and commitment of lifeboat volunteers is revealed by this footage from Kyle RNLI from earlier today.
The movement has been credited with changing lives - and Maryburgh’s group has won special acknowledgement.
Concerns were flagged by a member of the public.
Elise already has a huge haul of gold medals to her name and is seeking support after getting the Scotland call up.
Teacups were raised in Tain on Sunday to all the volunteers who helped make the fourth St Duthac Book and Arts Festival a resounding hit.
“This column is something of a milestone. My 100th time wittering on in our local weekly paper. I can hardly believe it!”
A Black Isle group which enjoys digging into the past will have the insight of an archaeologist at its next meeting.
An additional shift is required on Sunday from 7pm to 7am on the road near Inverlael Farm, Loch Broom.
Targeting missed opportunities, ‘dismay’ over a reduction in services and a desire to end ‘petty politicking and posturing’.
‘We have offered the post to a successful candidate and they are going through our recruitment process.’
‘These workshops are a great way for the younger generation to keep our cultural traditions alive.’
‘It's such a joy to see someone make that very brave step of coming into their first ever class…only to leave with a real sense of achievement.’
An Easter Ross port is today offering a gateway to the Highlands for thousands of passengers and crew members aboard a cruise ship on an 11-day tour.