A talented Black Isle lass who only started competitive dancing just over 18 months ago has taken a massive step towards her ambitious goal.
A difference of opinion on the cause of a fatal Black Isle gyrocopter crash that claimed the life of an Inverness man has emerged.
The affordable housing scheme aims to deliver four bungalows, four flats and 28 villa-style homes.
‘This award is recognition of the dedication and huge effort that our wonderful volunteers put in getting people to where they need to be.’
A management company behind a redevelopment of an island off the coast of Wester Ross has been fined over a release of silt into Loch Broom.
The £990k investment will see a 721m stretch of carriageway resurfaced ‘and ensure that the A9 continues to operate safely for years to come’.
An environmental scientist reckons the Easter Ross project could become a blueprint for schemes around the world tackling climate crises.
US election coverage has been impossible to avoid. Politics aside, is the city that’s home to the White House worth a visit?
Changes to waste and recycling services in Easter Ross have resulted in a significant drop in refuse going to landfill.
“They are situated in a fantastic location, just minutes walking from both Dingwall Primary and Dingwall Academy.”
A man will appear in court tomorrow following an alleged serious assault in an Easter Ross town yesterday.
A Ross-shire care home marked a milestone with a special celebration.
A Ross-shire community theatre group has its telescope trained on panto season with plans for a rip-roaring take on Treasure Island.
The enduring appeal of a wizard who took the world by storm more than 27 years ago is very much alive and kicking in one corner of the Black Isle…
The sign in Dingwall doesn’t make for happy reading if you’re caught short…
Which picture would you share for Ross-shire through the Lens?
A swish and shop clothes exchange also offers the promise of something-new-to-you for the festive season.
House-hunters looking for a forever home in Easter Ross are being enticed to check out a property that has lain unoccupied for over two years.
The crew launched and located the light which was onboard an unoccupied moored vessel.
Interested buyers are being enticed with the expanded business potential of the beachfront property on the Easter Ross peninsula.