A Highland man said his broken chimney stack could have killed him and his wife with carbon monoxide fumes and is battling the council to it repaired.
Ross-shire residents are urged to look out for scams as cost-of-living support payments of £324 start arriving in bank accounts.
The Caithness Courier caught up with a sprightly octogenarian at the end of a mammoth cycle ride that is expected to be verified as a world record.
An unusual animal that has been mistaken by some UK residents as a snake was seen making its way across a north road.
A collection of three ruined and windswept cottages in the far north, with views stretching over the moors and out to sea, are to go under the hammer.
A group that campaigns for fairer fuel prices says that drivers are being 'fleeced by the profiteering fuel supply chain and even their own Treasury'.
The sun may have failed to have materialise for Saturday's Mey Highland Games 2022 but the event broke new ground with adaptive events.
Police and coastguard teams were witnessed searching the area last night where 18-year-old Alesha Wright died after a fall from cliffs.
The 18-year-old girl who died after a cliff fall from at Thurso is named as Alesha Wright - online tributes talk of the 'beautiful young lady'.
Police are currently treating the death as unexplained with enquiries into the circumstances ongoing.
GMAC Film has announced a new call for its Little Pictures programme and hopes to see applications come in from budding filmmakers in the far north.
The Scottish SPCA (SSPCA) is delighted to announce it has been selected as BEAR Scotland’s national charity partner for 2022.
Highland Liberal Democrats have demanded an emergency cut to VAT to protect local families from soaring bills.
Royal Mail today announced that following a successful national trial, it is adding unique barcodes to all its definitive stamps.
As the world’s largest garden wildlife survey returns, which feathered friend will be dominant in your garden?
A rare spectacle was observed on Sunday morning as a series of icy discs were seen spinning on the surface of a Highland burn.
Family had no choice but to 'abandon' elderly father at local hospital after failing to get proper medical attention
A new guide book will not only guide pilgrims as they travel the Northern Pilgrims Way but will also provide a modest income stream for the group.
National charity, the Fishermen’s Mission is holding an online thanksgiving service to recognise 140 years of service to the fishermen of the UK.
High Life Highland’s Countryside Rangers are offering online talks for people to learn more about nature as the nights draw in.